Always Hoppy to work on Arts and Crafts

Always Hoppy to work on Arts and Crafts
Dreaming of Creating A World Filled with Art


Like so many others I love to Craft. I wanted to share some of my ideas and get some new ones too from you. I dabble in so many things...I love to Mod Podge, paint, polymer clay, make jewlery, sew and anything I get my grubby hands on. I sell on Etsy and try to do as many craft shows as possible. I hope you will share my in my arts and crafts journey.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stuck on Arm warmers

Yup arm warmers again .... this time with a knitting loom...  i really didn't know how i was going to complete this but i thought I'd give it a go.  As you can see i didn't use the entire loom i used 9 pegs.  i was worried about the spaces left by the side gaps but as you can see on the pictures below there really no noticeable difference.  The only thing I could not figure was how to make a thumb any suggestions?  While I turmoil through the thumb hole issue i have been using these for working on my crafts since it is perfect since it doesn't hinder movement with my fingers :)
Hope this has inspired you to just go for it. Ya never know what you ll end up with.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My first attempts at armwarmers -mini tutorial

OK first just get a pair of socks...stretchy ones are best..i like fuzzy too.  Even better if you can get ones with a design on them :)

sorry i didn't take pic at the cut off stages...but it is really easy...just cut a few inches off where your toes would have gone...try them on to see if this is a lengh you like ..( help measure just remember thumb hole is gonna be where the heel is)  Now cut a little slice in the heel area,,i would say about 1/2 inch to start off with. Then cross cut in that same slit (remember - very little is easier to go bigger but you cant make the hole smaller once you have done a cut.)  Then it is time to do a tight whip stitch around the thumb hole.  I use a embroidery thread and place my stitches as close as possible. I do the same for the bottom raw gives it a wavy look which i really like :)

Tada.. my daughter's hands are much prettier than mine but she was unavailable this time so these are my chubby hands. They are warm and comfy :)

Another tip is to insert a round object i did with this medicine bottle and stitch around it. Makes it easier and give it a uniform look on both sides.  Play around with different size bottles and find which one fits you best.  I have even seen other tutorials use their thumb...but i am too afraid of poking myself

this is a fun project and you can really embellish the arm warmer after. Have fun and let me know how yours come out :)